Efficient, reliable, and safe freight transportation is critical to the economic prosperity of any region and the quality of life of its citizens. Our research aspires to help inform policy decisions to find the best ways to ensure an efficient multimodal and intermodal freight transportation system.

- Potential Benefits of Co-locating Texas/Mexico Border Safety Inspections
- 2021 Survey of State Funding Practices for Coastal Port Infrastructure
- Impacts of Global Supply Chain Changes in the Post-Pandemic Environment in Texas
- Potential Transportation Impacts of Expanded U.S.-Cuba Trade
- Potential Impacts of Panama Canal Expansion on Texas Ports
- Heavy Haul Access to U.S. Ports
- How Will E-Commerce Growth Impact Our Transportation Network?
- Role of the Texas Transportation System in Attracting and Retaining Business
- How Vulnerable is Texas’ Freight Infrastructure to Extreme Weather Events?
- How Long Is Too Long to Cross the Border?
- How Will Millennials Impact Freight Flows in Texas?
- Potential Metrics for Designating and Monitoring Oversize/Overweight Corridors
- Oil and Gas Freight Transportation Alternatives
- Preferential Lane Use for Heavy Trucks
- Moving Texas Exports: The Electronic Instrument Export Supply Chain
- Moving Texas Exports: The Liquefied Natural Gas Export Supply Chain
- Moving Texas Exports: The Vehicle Part Supply Chain
- Moving Texas Exports: The Plastic Resin Export Supply Chain
- Moving Texas Exports: The Timber, Wood, and Wood Product Export Supply Chain
- Moving Texas Exports: The Cotton Supply Chain
- Moving Texas Exports: Examining the Role of Transportation in Export Commodity Supply Chains
- Oil and Gas Energy Developments and Changes in Crash Trends in Texas
- Considerations for Public Freight Rail Projects in Texas
- Texas Freight Survey
- Intelligent Freight Monitoring: A Review of Potential Technologies
- Oil and Gas Energy Developments and Changes in Pavement Conditions in Texas
- Incentives for Truck Use of SH 130
- Potential Impacts of Mexico’s Energy Reform on the Texas Transportation System
- Analysis of Effects on Port Operations from March 22 Incident in Houston Ship Channel
- Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Research Priorities
- Energy Development Impacts on State Roadways
- Public Use of Rail Right-of-Way in Urban Areas
Testimony to the Texas Legislature
- Enhanced cross-border travel information technologyRafael Aldrete, February 21, 2020
- Oversize/overweight trucksJolanda Prozzi, February 8, 2018
- Measures for designating and monitoring oversize/overweight vehicle corridorsGinger Goodin and Jolanda Prozzi, September 28, 2016
- Texas exports and potential impacts of the Panama Canal expansionGinger Goodin, May 4, 2016
- Funding practices for coastal port infrastructureJim Kruse, May 4, 2016
- Impacts of Mexico’s energy production on transportation infrastructure in TexasJolanda Prozzi, September 19, 2014
Jolanda Prozzi
Tel: 512-401-1104 Ext. 12104
Area Leader
Ms. Prozzi has more than 20 years of professional and research experience in freight planning and freight policy analysis. She has been the primary author of over 50 publications and her work has been funded by, among others, the Texas Department of Transportation, the PEW Foundation on Global Climate Change, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, the US Agency for International Development and the CSIR (South Africa).
Recent Texas Department of Transportation sponsored projects include: Freight Planning Factors Impacting Texas Commodity Flows, developing a Multimodal Freight Database, the Texas Rail Plan (2010) and the Impacts of Energy Developments on the Texas Transportation System.