Roadway safety research
An investigation of the effects of reading and writing text-based messages while driving
Previous research related to texting while driving was limited to the use of driving simulators. This research involved 42 participants using an actual vehicle on a closed course. The study found that texting while behind the wheel doubled a driver’s reaction time.
Understanding and addressing distracted driving in Texas Transportation Institute
In one of the most extensive studies of its kind to date, TTI researchers conducted a survey and facilitated focus group discussions to better understand the thinking and motivations behind the behavior of distracted drivers.
Evaluating voice-to-text programs’ effects on driving behavior
While texting drivers may believe they’re being more careful when they use the voice-to-text method, study findings suggest that those applications offer no safety advantage over manual texting.
Border security research
El Paso I-10 Integrated Corridor Management
Recently, TTI’s Center for International Integrated Transportation Research helped the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization successfully compete for a federal grant to develop an integrated corridor management concept of operations (ConOps) for a 16-mile corridor of IH-10.
Port-of-Entry Emissions Inventory for the El Paso Region
When vehicles are idling in heavy or standstill traffic congestion, the resulting emission pollutants impact air quality significantly. El Paso region border ports of entry are of particular concern due to the north- and southbound commercial and passenger vehicle queues and long wait times at inspection stations.
Tracking Freight Traffic Trends at the U.S.-Mexico Border
A better understanding of how freight movement affects local and national economies can help stakeholders make more informed decisions impacted by and involving border trade.
Assessment of Multiple Layers of Security Screening of Trucks by Customs Border Protection in El Paso, Texas
Trusted shipper programs have proven successful in reducing border wait times and increasing just-in-time inventory delivery reliability.