Protected bike lanes, also known as cycle tracks, offer a separated riding path but with the same access and visibility as on-street lanes. Cycle tracks are:
- Most often implemented in cities.
- Physically separated from vehicle traffic with a buffer.
- Distinct from sidewalks.1
The image at the right shows a one-way protected cycle track, but they can also be raised above street level or be two-way facilities. Though they have been used in Europe since the 1960s, protected bike lanes are relatively new in the United States.2
Cycle tracks may increase the space dedicated for bicyclists in a roadway right of way. Therefore, they are most often developed in cities to maximize the person throughput and ridership while reducing crashes. A recent nationwide study showed an increase in bicycle ridership between 21 percent and 171 percent within one year.4
Though they typically cost more than traditional bike lanes, protected bike lanes have lower vehicle-bicycle crash rates compared to other roadways in the United States.3
Some cycle track designs integrate vehicle parking as a buffer. This design provides space for doors to open without danger of hitting a bicyclist, as shown below.
Recent research indicates protected bicycle lanes are more comfortable to occasional or beginner bicyclists than traditional bike lanes. Thus, cycle tracks may help increase the population of those willing to ride a bicycle often.5, 6
Target Market
Protected bicycle lanes can be effective anywhere there are potential roadway conflicts between bicyclists and motorists. They are particularly helpful on roadways exceeding 3,000 vehicles per day or with speed limits exceeding 30 mph.2
The degree that they reduce vehicle congestion by attracting new bicyclists is likely related to population.7 Indeed, most implementations in the United States to date have been in large cities, such as Atlanta, Austin, Minneapolis, New York, Portland, San Francisco. and Washington, D.C.. Dallas also has a well-traveled cycle track on the Jefferson Street Viaduct.8
Though some bicyclists feel confident bicycling in almost any situation, recent research confirms that protected bike lanes can serve a larger group. A study by Dill and McNeil found that infrastructure such as cycle tracks may increase comfort and ridership among the “interested but concerned.”5 Some studies have shown women to be more sensitive to the real and perceived safety of roadways.9 Pucher and Buehler report that “getting children, seniors, and women on bikes requires provision of safer and more comfortable cycling conditions than currently existing in most North American…cities.”10
How Will This Help?
- Reduces vehicle congestion by providing an alternative for shorter trips.
- Improves air quality for communities by reducing vehicle emissions.
- Improves health and air quality for bicyclists and pedestrians by separating them from vehicles.
- Reduces bicyclist-vehicle crashes by separating types of traffic and stressing conflict points.
***Image Here***
Application Techniques and Principles
The North American City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design Guide is the primary resource for designing cycle tracks. 1 It recommends the following:
- For one-way cycle tracks, a minimum 5- to 7-foot protected lane width.
- For a two-way cycle track, a 12-foot width.
Both types of cycle track include a 3-foot buffer from vehicles and related traffic control signage from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) relating to bike lanes.
Intersections are a particular concern for protected bike lanes since they are the likely conflict points between bicyclists and motorists. To improve visibility at driveways and intersections, the desirable no-parking area is 30 feet from each side of the crossing. 1 Colored pavement, yield lines, and “Yield to Bikes” signs should be used to identify the conflict area. 1
The addition of barriers such as parking spaces between vehicles and bicyclists reduces rider exposure to air pollution.11 This option could improve both vehicle parking and bicyclist conditions.
Protective barriers also prevent bicyclists from crossing lanes mid-block to prepare for a left turn. Barriers that ensure safe bicyclist turning movements include median refuge islands, bike boxes, cycle track intersection approaches, combination bike lane/turn lanes, and two-stage turn queue boxes.
Two-stage turn queue boxes provide a separate area to turn left. The bicyclist first turns from the cycle track and stops at the green box (see the image below), and then proceeds through the intersection with the next signal.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently determined that cycle tracks are not traffic control devices, so there are no federal restrictions on their use in the MUTCD.12 Using green pavement markings at conflict points has received temporary approval by FHWA.13 Though the 2012 Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities does not include cycle tracks, the AASHTO Technical Committee on Nonmotorized Transportation did submit it as a research problem statement to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program.13
In order to retrofit new protected bike lanes in existing rights of way, roadway space may have to be reallocated from vehicle parking, underutilized vehicle lanes, or excess lane width. These changes require analyzing trends on a given road in order to ensure plans suit the situation. Often called a “road diet,” the conversion of four-lane roadways to two general-purpose lanes with bike lanes may be feasible with average daily traffic of 20,000 or less.14
Some caution that use of road diets on roadways with two-way peak-hour traffic of over 1,000 vehicles per hour could cause some increases in vehicle delay. One way to avoid delays at intersections is to use intermittent turn lanes and signal timing adjustments.15
Changing parking patterns can affect business and residential use. Public involvement is needed to address existing and anticipated roadway needs. The image below shows an example of a protected bike lane installed on Barton Springs Road in Austin, Texas, by reallocating median and lane widths.
Who Is Responsible?
Transportation agencies that design and manage roadway space are responsible for implementing bicycle facilities such as cycle tracks. Cities often work with state departments of transportation on these projects, particularly when crossing state right of way, to provide a continuous facility for all road users.
Project Time Frame
Based on funding availability, protected bike lane projects can take over a year for planning and public involvement, design, and construction. However, if a community has a well-developed plan identifying system design and project feasibility, projects can be implemented during roadway resurfacing projects on an ongoing basis
Implementation costs vary widely depending on such things as right-of-way constraints and potential utility relocation. The additional costs of cycle tracks beyond traditional bike lanes are due to the barriers, which can range from $19,152 per mile to add flexible posts to $17.6 million per mile to rebuild the street with a raised sidewalk-style track.15
Data Needs
In addition to traditional data used in transportation planning, such as traffic counts and crash histories, designers should analyze bicycle intersection crossing times and directions to optimize signal phases. Though studies have confirmed the ridership-inducing and safety benefits of protected bicycle lanes,4 these data can be a useful performance measure for local agencies and can identify safety hot spots.
Cycle Tracks Best Practices
- Type of location: Streets with moderate to high traffic speeds or volumes. Greater demand is likely in urban, mixed-use areas.
- Agency practices: Compare updated design guidance against existing agency practices. Include experienced designers to expand staff knowledge of new facilities.
- Frequency of reanalysis: Annual review of volumes and crash data to support accurate performance measurement and control for seasonality.
- Supporting policies or actions needed: Designer education on cycle track best practices, public education on new roadway features, and possible integration or adoption of NACTO guidance.
- Complementary strategies: Bike sharing, bicycle/pedestrian education and encouragement, bike lanes, active demand management, trip reduction ordinances.
- National Association of City Transportation Officials. NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide. Island Press, Washington, D.C., 2014.
- Furth, P. Bicycling Infrastructure for Mass Cycling: A Transatlantic Comparison. In City Cycling (J. Pucher and R. Buehler, eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 105–139.
- Lusk, A. C., P. Morency, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, W. C. Willett, and J. T. Dennerlein. Bicycle Guidelines and Crash Rates on Cycle Tracks in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 103, No. 7, 2013, pp. 1240–1248.
- Monsere, C., J. Dill, N. McNeil, K. J. Clifton, N. Foster, T. Goddard, M. Berkow, J. Gilpin, K. Voros, D. van Hengel, and J. Parks. Lessons from the Green Lanes: Evaluating Protected Bike Lanes in the U.S. Portland State University, 2014.
- Dill, J., and N. McNeil. Four Types of Cyclists? Examination of Typology for Better Understanding of Bicycling Behavior and Potential. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2387, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 129–138.
- Damant-Sirois, G., M. Grimsrud, and A. M. El-Geneidy. What’s Your Type: A Multidimensional Cyclist Typology. Transportation, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2014, pp. 1153–1169..
- Krizek, K. J., G. Barnes, G. Poindexter, P. Mogush, K. Thompson, D. Levinson, N. Tilahun, D. Loutzenheiser, D. Kidston, W. Hunter, D. Tharpe, Z. Gillenwater, and R. Killingsworth. NCHRP Report 552: Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities. Highway Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2006.
- Wilonsky, R. Dallas Has a New Bicycle Coordinator Who’s Very Eager to Roll Out the Bike Plan (from 2011). Dallas Morning News, May 18, 2014. .
- Twaddle, H., F. Hall, and B. Bracic. Latent Bicycle Commuting Demand and Effects of Gender on Commuter Cycling and Accident Rates. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2190, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 28–36.
- Pucher, J. R., and R. Buehler. City Cycling. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2012.
- Kendrick, C. M., A. Moore, A. Haire, A. Bigazzi, M. Figliozzi, C. M. Monsere, and L. George. Impact of Bicycle Lane Characteristics on Exposure of Bicyclists to Traffic-Related Particulate Matter. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2247, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2011, pp. 24–32.
- U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Bicycle Facilities and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
- U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Interim Approval for Optional Use of Green Colored Pavement for Bike Lanes (IA-14). FHWA Policy Memorandum, April 15, 2011.
- U.S. Federal Highway Administration. “Road Diet” (Roadway Configuration) Proven Safety Countermeasures. FHWA-SA-12-013, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2013, p. 2.
- Thomas, L. Road Diet Conversions: A Synthesis of Safety Research. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2013.
- Andersen, M. Wonktastic Chart Rates 15 Different Ways to Protect Bike Lanes. People for Bikes, March 13, 2014.