What Strategies Are Best for You?
Cities of every size face growing traffic and mobility issues, making traveling more frustrating and difficult for everyone. Many strategies to fix congestion and mobility focus on a single location, a single type of problem, or a single concept that then generates few or limited solutions. One strategy alone or taken out of context may not solve the systemic and underlying issues (and may even worsen the problem).
Researchers have identified over 100 individual strategies to address congestion and mobility, but the purpose, benefits and setting in which each should or should not be used is often misunderstood or forgotten. Many of these strategies, when used in the proper context and paired with complimentary strategies, can provide synergistic benefits that save time for travelers and money for taxpayers. Many of the benefits may also increase economic productivity, improve quality of life, or encourage healthy living.
TTI developed this tool to customize packages that identify congestion and mobility strategies that work well together in their appropriate context. This tool will aid policy makers in shaping the broader transportation discussion, assist practitioners and planners in addressing congestion in their regions, and support the general public in their understanding of the context and potential solutions for travel issues.